2023 New HVAC Regulation Changes. Should I Be Worried?
Written by Roman DiCesareBeginning January 1st, 2023, the HVAC industry is making a big change toward being more sustainable. While this may not directly impact your home, it is still important to understand so you aren’t blindsided by a price increase.
What is Happening?
Air conditioning units have what is known as a SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating. It measures an air conditioner’s cooling output compared to the energy it consumes. Essentially, an AC with a higher SEER rating is more efficient.
Starting on January 1st, 2023, the minimum SEER rating will increase on HVAC equipment. Currently, new air conditioners must have a minimum SEER rating of 13 in northern states and 14 in southern states. Starting in 2023, this will change to 14 and 15, respectively.
This change won’t necessarily impact customers other than giving you a better idea of your potential energy use on new HVAC systems.
What are the new AC regulations for Florida in 2023? How will The New AC Regulations Affect Me?
As mentioned above, the new minimum SEER rating for NEW air conditioning units in Florida will be 15. Units that meet this new rating will offer more efficient operations, a reduced utility bill, and a positive environmental impact!
It is important to note, if your current HVAC system is in good condition and fulfilling your AC needs, then there is no reason to upgrade or buy a new unit that meets the new industry standard. This new SEER rating will only matter on NEWLY installed units after January 1st, 2023.